Montana's Senator Jon Tester is the new Chair of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee. He will be charged with running the campaign efforts of Senate Democrats from here on. Senator Tester has a dark secret, as well as the Democratic Party regarding their continued allegiance to Montana State Senator Jonathan Windy Boy who is the Ward Churchill of tribal officialdom.
This emerging scandal may dwarf the Jack Abramoff scandal that brought down Senator Conrad Burns. It is up to Senator Tester to fix the problems his neglect during his entire tenure has contributed to in the controversial manner Windy Boy interacts with Montana Democrats. He is a man that likes to throw his weight around, and uses his Cree numbers to intimidate state officials. This matter stems from the federal government usurping the sovereignty of the Rocky Boy Band of Chippewa, of which I am a descendant and of primary heritage.
Jonathan Windy Boy is an enrolled member of the Chippewa Cree Tribe. The Chippewa Cree is a euphemism created by the federal government to shield the massive enrollment fraud that has plagued the small band of Chippewa since the band emerged in Montana after having been driven out of Red Lake over a land dispute in the late 1800s, shortly after the creation of the Red Lake Indian Reservation. The Chippewa Cree is a FAKE tribe; it is not a historic American tribe, only the Chippewa have treaty rights in the United States.
Jonathan is not a Chippewa, and only 10% of the enrollees in Rocky Boy are descendants of the original band, as it was enumerated in a 1908 census (Wheat Census). Jonathan cannot even legitimately say his family are members of the Little Bear Band of Cree, who sought asylum in the U.S. after instigating the Frog Lake Massacre.
Jonathan's predecessor swam across the Saskatchewan River and evaded the RCMP, and made his way to the Rocky Boy Reservation after it's creation in 1916. Windyy Boy's ancestor was on the run and to evade prosecution--hid in a badger hole at one point to deceive the Mounties who were in hot pursuit. (Oral History of the Robert Gopher Family).Windy Boy's first appear on the Rocky Boy roll in 1927. (Interior Department Records).
Jonathan is rumoured to be enrolled simultaneously in the Ft. Belknap Gros Ventres-Assiniboine tribes, being of Assiniboine heritage. He is also Cree, and is enrolled in a Canadian First Nation, to my understanding. Most of the Cree, who make up the majority enrollment in Rocky Boy are already enrolled in Canadian First Nations, and are subject to Canada's Indian Act, which is the source of the Indian Registry. There is nothing wrong with that I suppose, Canada has much more progressive attitude in treating aboriginal people than the U.S.
So, Jonathan and his brother Alvin, have been prominent "tribal leaders in Rocky Boy" despite the lack of biological lineage in the Rocky Boy Band of Chippewa as recognized by the U.S. Congress in 1908 and 1916. It is helpful to know that there are different points of origin, Rocky Boy's people are thought to originate in Wisconsin, while the Little Bear Band of Cree originate in Frog Lake, Saskatchewan. Louis Riel, who led the Riel Rebellion--fled Canadian authorities from the point of Duck Lake, Saskatchewan.
The realities of the three divergent groups will tell us there is no such thing as a Chippewa Cree Tribe, yet due to misunderstanding by white politicians, media and academics--this is a mythical creation that has persisted over time, much to the dismay of my own people who possess a sovereignty interest to address our grievances.
The Rocky Boy Reservation was created in the fall after Rocky Boy's death in 1916. For lack of a better term, one can say Chief Little Bear (Cree) was only too eager to "take over." The U.S. government was eager to end the "Cree problem" it had in Montana and wanted resolution. The Crees took over the establishment of the newly created reservation--even though it lacked a treaty with the U.S. government, and is not considered a historic American tribe. (The U.S. treaty making era ended in 1870). The Chippewa began to assert their sovereignty. Chief Rocky Boy's last words were "Little Bear is trying to let (Riel's mixed bloods) in, it is for my people (Chippewa) to decide if they want to let them (Crees and Riel's band) in."
No one heeded Chief Rocky Boy's dying words. Instead, his people were subjected to a sinister plot by the Cree, one of Chief Big Rock's (Rocky Boy's legitimate Chippewa successor) son's was poisoned in the Ft. Assiniboine camp. The federal government, failing to protect the band, fled under cover of night, to Chief Mountain on the Blackfeet Indian Reservation. They stayed there until the early 1920s. The Chippewa had suspicions about the untimely death of Chief Rocky Boy, who took ill unexpectedly in the Ft. Assiniboine camp.
These suspicions persist to this day among the Chief's lateral descendants. It was later found out that Little Bear did possess knowledge on poisons, (Sweetgrass First Nations research) Where a similar death is believed to have occurred at the hands of Little Bear. It is the opinion of the Chippewa people that Chief Rocky Boy was assassinated in the critical months when word was received the reservation was to be established. He died in April 1916. Following these two deaths, the Chippewa lost favor with the federal government, who seemed more intent on pleasing Montana residents who had grown weary of the "Cree problem."
Only the federally tecognized tribal body can determine its members. In 1917 the federal government established its own roll that became the basis of the "Chippewa Cree tribe." While this has proven convenient for the federal government, it is contrary to standing federal doctrine on tribal sovereignty. It would have been wise to heed the wise Chief's words and respect the Chippewa. Now this recklessness is something the Chippewa people toil to correct.
It is his words Rocky Boy's people cling to. Only the Chippewa people can decide their membership, like every other tribe in the United States. It is not the place of the federal government, the Cree or Metis. The federal government used a band-aid approach since 1935 under the Chippewa Cree constitution created under the auspices of the Indian Reorganization Act.
The Chippewa people are at the present time challenging this constitution as illegal 1) It created an at large voting schema that favors Cree and Metis, who are the majority on the reservation (they were allowed to refer to themselves as "adoptees" by the Interior Department. 2) The Cree and Metis led Business Committee established by the IRA constitution adopted discriminatory enrollment provisions and did not provide for lineal descent in the original Chippewa band recognized by Congress. The basis of membership criteria is illegal and violates the sovereignty of the original Chippewa band. This effected a near paper- genocide of Rocky Boy's original band.
Near being the operative word. The Interior Department does not have authority to alter a tribe's identity, nor can it terminate a tribe. Nor can it determine a tribe's membership. The Rocky Boy band is fighting back. Given the spate of numerous criminal convictions in federal court of "Chippewa Cree tribal officials" the latest being John Chance Houle, a former Chairman who pled guilty to fraud, and embezzlement, the Chippewa people want to be heard loud and clear. These criminals are NOT Chippewa of the original band recognized by Congress. They are all without exception, self proclaimed adoptees.
There is a problem of entrenched fraud that was sanctioned by former Senator Baucus, who used Jonathan Windy Boy as his campaign poster child. Now the trend seems to be continuing with Senator Tester. He was asked on Friday to include $1,000,000,00 in the crominbus legislation to direct the Billings Area Office of the BIA to address the Chippewa demand for an enrollment audit, and to designate legal fees to the Chippewa people to begin to reverse the course of this massive defrauding of Chippewa identity and loss of our land and finanical resources.
Jonathan's Cree faction have skillfully hid behind immunity as a "sovereign nation." However, the Interior is not immune from voting rights claims, this appears to be a voting rights issue, even though the federal act has been gutted, we are studying and believe we can proceed under the intact sections of the law.
To that end, we are negotiating with the NAACP to bring suit on behalf of the Chippewa. We remain hopeful the Democrats will back down, the Obama administration take some corrective action and work in a spirit of cooperation. If we must fight in court, we will. We will seek an injunction on the validity of the Chippewa Cree constitution and have it suspended by a federal court. We will seek tribal funds be frozen pending the outcome of an enrollment audit.
Jon Tester does not hear his constituents in Montana; he did ensure his lawyers for the DSCC increased campaign contribution limits of wealthy donors from over 90,000 to well over 775,000. He aided Wall Street to override key provisions of Dodd Frank. In fact, it was his law firm that denuded what was left of McCain Feingold campaign finance reform.
There is a problem here, of credibility, sincerity and competence, this has been a consistent theme in dealing with Democrats on this issue going back to 2000. While Senator Baucus was deflecting for Jonathan and Alvin Windy Boy to remain entrenched in Rocky Boy, Jonathan was breaking the law. Did Senator Baucus or his staff deflect for Sen. Windy Boy with regard to tax evasion, and unaddressed charges of rape and sexual abuse of minors?
Still more troubling, at least one Montana Democrat is alleging then-Attorney General Steve Bullock, now our Governor; shut the MT ICAC investigation of Windy Boy down as a political favor to him. If this did occur, should Bullock be in the Governor's office? Why are investigations of Windy Boy being shut down, (his victims are told by FBI agents that at least two federal FBI investigations have been ordered closed by powers in DC)?
One uninvestigated allegation stems from a period Jonathan was tribal chairman, that would be 2008 to 2010. This would mean while Jonathan was strutting around, as a member of Obama's campaign tribal chairman's circle, he was covering up a rape allegation made by the parents of a minor child on the Rocky Boy reservation. It was his own nephew, the tribal police chief, that shut down the investigation before it could reach the federal level, according to reservation residents knowledgeable with the matter. This is a continued tactic of the state party at the present time to deny and deflect. This ends this week.
In the coming days I will be taking these matters in their entirety to the state party chairman, I am in contact with the Democratic National Committee Vice Chairwoman Donna Brazile, and I will be contacting the other members of the DSCC. I most certainly will be contacting the man who rammed through the provisions of the CRomnibus, Marc Elias. Given Tester's refusal to address these matters over seven years running, I have to question whether he is fit to lead the DSCC.
WindyBoyGate is a scandal of or exceeding the scale of the Abramoff debacle that ended Burns' Senate career. We will not let this go, I will not let this go. I expect Senator Tester and the Montana Democrats to have answers and to begin a process of correction of all these related matters because when someone denies our right to exist, we have no choice but to challenge that.
I want to make it clear I expect Sen. Tester to act prudently and quickly on this matter. I am personally pissed off at him because we asked for his help back in 2007. That is an awfully long time to wait for action. I will be forcing action by the Senator and I am dragging this out in the public for all to see because there has been enough secrecy. This is just the tip of the iceberg in the manner the state democratic party elites have abused their power, state party resources and have misled the public. It is clear the party will continue to rack up losses unless we all commit to a spirit of reform.
I am calling for reform of the state party at this time. This week, we are asking the state party chair and the Senate minority leader to begin the effort to push Windy Boy out and to seek his resignation from the state senate. I am asking the state party leaders to back a long sought criminal investigation of Windy Boy. We are asking the state party to back out of court mediation of the Rocky Boy tribal issues, a corrective Executive Order by President Obama and federal settlement legislation compensating the Chippewa people for 98 years the federal government allowed squatters on our land. Most important we are asking for an enrollment audit, and a path forward by the Billings Area Office to enroll all of the lawful biological descendants of the Rocky Boy Chippewa band who have previously been denied enrollment.
In essence the Montana Democratic party have been duped into dealing with and now doing the criminal bidding of a FAKE tribal official. This is egg on their faces, it makes them look stupid and hungry for votes that on the face of it really are not there.
Sunday, December 14, 2014
Saturday, December 6, 2014
#EricGarner #MikeBrown #JohnTWilliams #MistyUpham, et. al. countless victims
This is a request to all media to respect the memory of the deceased individuals whose premature and untimely deaths have transfixed the nation in recent weeks. They are human beings who are missed by their families, the voids they leave can never be filled.
In their memory, please refrain from covering stories about Joe Scarborough's early morning rants on Morning Joe, or Peter King's cruel comments. I am asking the media to boycott those that inflame the passions and will vie for airtime on major networks to display their white arrogance in the wake of these numerous deaths at the hands of police, and who are otherwise dead due to police misconduct and negligence.
This plea is being made to all media organizations to focus on the proactive efforts of the millions who have demonstrated throughout the nation,. Even in hard hit places like the war-stricken city of Gaza, many have expressed their solidarity with the victim's families, and honored the memory of the fallen.
This plea to the media is to boycott from the airwaves those that fan the flames of hatred, commentators such as former NYC mayor Guiliani who contribute nothing to the advancement of equality in this country. We do not need voices that tear down and destroy at this time.
The media should be covering the largely peaceful demonstrations and giving voice to the proactive; and not those that seek to further divide this nation at this difficult time. Please be responsible in the coverage of this particular subject. For all of those that want to hear commentary dripping in and marinated in racial hatred, there is a whole network devoted to that, it is called Fox News.
I am pleading for responsible journalism to cover this continuing unfolding struggle to achieve human dignity for us all.
Melinda Gopher,
Political Activist, Screenwriter
Former Democratic Candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives from MT
This is a request to all media to respect the memory of the deceased individuals whose premature and untimely deaths have transfixed the nation in recent weeks. They are human beings who are missed by their families, the voids they leave can never be filled.
In their memory, please refrain from covering stories about Joe Scarborough's early morning rants on Morning Joe, or Peter King's cruel comments. I am asking the media to boycott those that inflame the passions and will vie for airtime on major networks to display their white arrogance in the wake of these numerous deaths at the hands of police, and who are otherwise dead due to police misconduct and negligence.
This plea is being made to all media organizations to focus on the proactive efforts of the millions who have demonstrated throughout the nation,. Even in hard hit places like the war-stricken city of Gaza, many have expressed their solidarity with the victim's families, and honored the memory of the fallen.
This plea to the media is to boycott from the airwaves those that fan the flames of hatred, commentators such as former NYC mayor Guiliani who contribute nothing to the advancement of equality in this country. We do not need voices that tear down and destroy at this time.
The media should be covering the largely peaceful demonstrations and giving voice to the proactive; and not those that seek to further divide this nation at this difficult time. Please be responsible in the coverage of this particular subject. For all of those that want to hear commentary dripping in and marinated in racial hatred, there is a whole network devoted to that, it is called Fox News.
I am pleading for responsible journalism to cover this continuing unfolding struggle to achieve human dignity for us all.
Melinda Gopher,
Political Activist, Screenwriter
Former Democratic Candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives from MT
Wednesday, November 12, 2014
OPINION: Blue Dogs Desperate KXL Strategy to Appease Big Oil
The Blue Dog Coalition of Democrats already lost the U.S. Senate after an election cycle where they ran from their own president and party leader. Their latest attempt to appeal to Big Oil, to show what a bunch of bootlickers they are; back losing Blue Dog Senator from Louisiana Mary Landrieu to bring the Keystone XL to a vote in the senate.
This is the most backward thinking way to turn the vote out in 2016, and reveals a deep betrayal yet again by the corporate wing of the party. Our senator Jon Tester has already told the Huffington Post he will back the Landrieu sponsored bill to approve the KXL. The issue of pipeline approvals are not only political fodder in the USA but Canada as well.
The leading contender for the post as the next Canadian PM, Justin Trudeau is leading in polls while NDP Tom Mulcair is close behind nipping at his heels. Trudeau supports KXL, while Mulcair is in opposition. The aboriginal vote in Canada is much more influential than the tribal vote in the United States, comprising up to 15% of the population.
Most tribes in Montana oppose the KXL for an array of reasons. The pipelines will carry tar sands oil, already the dirtiest and inefficient method of oil extraction. The pipelines pose environmental threats to lands some of which transects tribal lands. The pipelines will remain in the ground after their useful lives; leaving billions of gallons in the pipe to pose environmental threats for generations to come.
The Senator from Montana in attempting to support Landrieu reflects a blue dog coalition shows a party off task in the six years they controlled the US Senate and instead were busy with wealthy, big oil and Wall Street interests. Senator Tester appears tone deaf to the concerns expressed by multiple tribes in the great plains region who express their disapproval of the pipeline. In the interim he has done next to nothing to address climate change and bringing clean energy to the state of Montana.
This is the most backward thinking way to turn the vote out in 2016, and reveals a deep betrayal yet again by the corporate wing of the party. Our senator Jon Tester has already told the Huffington Post he will back the Landrieu sponsored bill to approve the KXL. The issue of pipeline approvals are not only political fodder in the USA but Canada as well.
The leading contender for the post as the next Canadian PM, Justin Trudeau is leading in polls while NDP Tom Mulcair is close behind nipping at his heels. Trudeau supports KXL, while Mulcair is in opposition. The aboriginal vote in Canada is much more influential than the tribal vote in the United States, comprising up to 15% of the population.
Most tribes in Montana oppose the KXL for an array of reasons. The pipelines will carry tar sands oil, already the dirtiest and inefficient method of oil extraction. The pipelines pose environmental threats to lands some of which transects tribal lands. The pipelines will remain in the ground after their useful lives; leaving billions of gallons in the pipe to pose environmental threats for generations to come.
The Senator from Montana in attempting to support Landrieu reflects a blue dog coalition shows a party off task in the six years they controlled the US Senate and instead were busy with wealthy, big oil and Wall Street interests. Senator Tester appears tone deaf to the concerns expressed by multiple tribes in the great plains region who express their disapproval of the pipeline. In the interim he has done next to nothing to address climate change and bringing clean energy to the state of Montana.
Wednesday, November 5, 2014
By an overwhelming margin, Montana elected Republican corporate socialist Steve Daines as our representative in the U.S. Senate. Daines' wealth stems from Right Now Technologies, holding several million dollars in federal contracts. Daine's company once paid a lobby firm 90,000.00 dollars to secure federal contracts, securing a grand total of $23,000,000.00 in federal contracts.
Unabashedly, Daines ran on a platform of MORE JOBS, LESS GOVERNMENT. One has to question less government for whom? It seems Daine's firm has had substantial dealings with Wal Mart, another corporate welfare queen; taxpayers shell out 6.2 billion annually in public assistance to Walmart employees so the company can continue to artificially depress wages of its low wage work force. In addition, taxpayers also subsidize Walmart's executive bonuses about 298 million over six years.
This is corporate welfare KING status on a gargantuan scale, it is mind-boggling. As a result of the federally contracted, propped up Right Now Technologies, Daines' and his partners unloaded this software firm for a cool 1.8 billion to Oracle in 2012, making Daines a very savvy corporate welfare king.
The colossal hypocrisy is in itself mind-boggling for a party that scared and rallied its base by screaming and smearing the Democratic party as socialist, communistic and envious of people who make it. It is also incredibly hypocritical for a party that has held the minimum wage hostage for decades, a policy that has eviscerated the middle class and downright brutalizes the working poor.
Welcome to the Senate to the newbie Daines, a socialist of colossal scale. I think the term socialist may be too good of a label. Let's say, corporate welfare king. Meanwhile, even a candidate with nothing to lose at all, ran from a President who by all definition, helped out the wealthy, stabilized the economy, mitigated a 2008 economic crash, enacted the Lily Ledbetter Act, and lessened the unemployment rate. With absolutely nothing to lose and everything to gain, Amanda Curtis failed to turn on the Indian vote by engaging the President, and lost by a large margin. It would be foolhardy for Ms. Curtis to run again.

This is corporate welfare KING status on a gargantuan scale, it is mind-boggling. As a result of the federally contracted, propped up Right Now Technologies, Daines' and his partners unloaded this software firm for a cool 1.8 billion to Oracle in 2012, making Daines a very savvy corporate welfare king.
The colossal hypocrisy is in itself mind-boggling for a party that scared and rallied its base by screaming and smearing the Democratic party as socialist, communistic and envious of people who make it. It is also incredibly hypocritical for a party that has held the minimum wage hostage for decades, a policy that has eviscerated the middle class and downright brutalizes the working poor.
Welcome to the Senate to the newbie Daines, a socialist of colossal scale. I think the term socialist may be too good of a label. Let's say, corporate welfare king. Meanwhile, even a candidate with nothing to lose at all, ran from a President who by all definition, helped out the wealthy, stabilized the economy, mitigated a 2008 economic crash, enacted the Lily Ledbetter Act, and lessened the unemployment rate. With absolutely nothing to lose and everything to gain, Amanda Curtis failed to turn on the Indian vote by engaging the President, and lost by a large margin. It would be foolhardy for Ms. Curtis to run again.
The Damaged Brand of the Democrats and Other Big Media Myths
I don't trust the narrative of big and mostly white media; that is the recipient of all the cash flowing as the result of Citizens United, mixed with low voter turnout--that drones this election was something out of the ordinary. It is conventional wisdom that Republican voters tend to turn out in greater numbers in mid-terms. The narrative that the Democratic party brand is damaged is a slap in the face of the minority vote who consistently carry party candidates.
Take aways:
The party rhetoric as the voice of women has not translated into putting money behind women candidates, or even making sure that the right women candidates are backed. This needs to change.
(Take Montana, the MEA-MFT propped up Amanda Curtis 80 days before the election after Walsh dropped out. Aside from personal issues I have with this--I can say for certain the MEA-MFT has a real problem with the native vote that must be fixed. But I digress here).
To my point of bouncing back, the bounce is always provided by a coalition of youth, women and minority voters. There is no reason to believe the next cycle won't be any different. There are institutional issues the Democrats must learn going forward.
Take aways:
The party rhetoric as the voice of women has not translated into putting money behind women candidates, or even making sure that the right women candidates are backed. This needs to change.
(Take Montana, the MEA-MFT propped up Amanda Curtis 80 days before the election after Walsh dropped out. Aside from personal issues I have with this--I can say for certain the MEA-MFT has a real problem with the native vote that must be fixed. But I digress here).
To my point of bouncing back, the bounce is always provided by a coalition of youth, women and minority voters. There is no reason to believe the next cycle won't be any different. There are institutional issues the Democrats must learn going forward.
- The party must defeat historic patterns; conventional wisdom holds the party in power loses seats during midterms. The party must learn to gap this problem of midterms. It is doable and it is something every county, state party, and the DNC must learn to plan for.
- Routing Citizens United: We know this is a factor. It is a given. It is not likely that CU will be addressed in the next two years--therefore; we must learn to organize around it to get the vote out.
- Social networking is free; this is perhaps the greatest counter balance to CU and it is instantaneous. (We can expect the Republicans to attack net neutrality).
- We know CU worked for low tech elderly voters who still are predominantly TV-broadcast-dependent to get their information. It was the elderly vote that turned out last night benefiting Republicans.
- There must be a stated policy of corporate Democrat entrenchment. In Louisiana, Landrieu, noted as a centrist and corporate Democrat--will face a run off in the coming weeks. Corporate Democrats are endangered in a party where progressives have held out their vote since 2010.
- Corporate Democrats make the party institutionally weak; they have been divisive, and viewed as betraying the party base. They also do not respect the will of the party base.
- Racism; minority voters should not have to fight a civil rights war in the party to be respected. White party leaders get control of the party resources and shut the door. They only share the resources when they are desperate to win.
- To this end; as an example, minority leaders called for a second stimulus in 2010 to benefit their distressed communities. The view was the 2009 ARRA aided Wall Street. Their pleas fell on deaf ears in their own party.
- Democratic party leaders must realize they can no longer get something for nothing from minorities. These past two years should indicate to Democratic party leaders; If you dont deliver to your constituents, we don't deliver the votes. It is that simple.
We the Native American vote in Montana will be tackling some tough issues here in this state and it is our hope that what we voice, and our organization will be a national model of success going toward 2016.
Tuesday, November 4, 2014
Preparing for a Post Mortem on the 2014 Cycle: Ahontoays Band President Melinda Gopher Issues First Statement
As of this morning, 10:36 a.m., Mountain Standard Time, the poll cited by Real Clear Politics (MSU-Billings) has Zinke winning by a 7% margin. Sam Wang gives the US Senate seat to Daines, and in a fairly quick reversal, now gives the US Senate to the Republicans.
There are clear problems with the Democratic Party, not all can be squarely put on the shoulders of Barack Obama. More accurately, the blame for the "off the rails" strategy of the party must be put on his handlers, and those who used to serve in the U.S. Senate that derailed this young president. I point my fingers squarely at two people in particular: Native Montanans-- former Sen. Max Baucus, now the U.S. Ambassador to China and his protege, Jim Messina who now works for Conservative Prime Minister of the UK, David Cameron.
As it stands now, both men have conveniently dropped below the radar to minimize scrutiny on themselves. Baucus in his new gig has gone largely ignored by the American media since leaving his office in the U.S. Senate.
Those of us who have dealt with Baucus in Montana are fairly familiar with his tactics, mainly on how skillfully and lacking in moral turpitude, he used the Native American voters to maintain an iron grip on the state Democratic party political machine for the base numbers and 2) used his Wall Street ties to fund his Senate campaigns. Baucus was Citizens United before there was a law for what he did.
Baucus is also very skilled at his official political narrative using his buddies in the state media to kill dissent. Even when that dissent was needed, and we all know dissent is healthy and essential to a healthy democracy. Buddies such as the Great Falls Tribune editors, publishers, men like Jim Strauss, and former city editor Tom Kotinski, aided and abetted this man's abuse of public office.
I point to current Tribune political reporter John Adams as aiding and abetting the cover up of the Jonathan Windy Boy scandal. This scandal makes the John Walsh plagiarism scandal look like a Boy Scout badge dispute in its irrelevance to the broader scandal that ensnares Baucus, Messina, possibly our current governor, and some Chippewa Cree tribal law enforcement. Adams has known about the accusations surrounding Windy Boy for years, but has hidden rather conveniently behind the fear of a libel lawsuit to protect Montana's political elite. This is not a journalist, and to deny all Montanans of the facts, knowing this man is a danger to children and women, is inexcusable.
If only we can get a criminal investigation going. That has not happened since 2002 when the alleged crimes occurred; the powers that be in Washington DC have denied Windy Boy's victims access to the legal system and have stymied, put down and frustrated law enforcement investigation of one of Obama's tribal of chairman's circle of campaign supporters in 2008.
Lets say that Jonathan Windy Boy showing his cock and balls to 15 year old girls over Yahoo chat does not help anyone's political careers. This is the truth; and it is indisputable. There are pictures of this. Pictures that "powers that be in DC"as the victims describe them as shadowy and unknowable--do not want to be disbursed in instantaneous world of the "youtubes" and "internets." And, there is more. A lot more.
I would charge here that John Walsh is the sacrificial goat in this phony plagiarism scandal; an attempt to cut the gangrene to save a damaged stump that requires an amputation. The diseased part of the party are Senators Baucus, his former Chief of Staff Jim Foley, and possibly Jim Messina, known as the "fixer" in the White House.
An investigation is needed. I am told by victims there were two federal level investigations that were shut down when prosecution of Windy Boy seemed likely. Added to his tax evasion problems that the Obama administration has done nothing about; it seems like the preoccupation of the party elite with Windy Boy has been a gigantic distraction and a continual headache for very key people. Windy Boy must be taken into custody, and the 2011 investigation reopened. I am calling for an expansion of the UM probe to cover the period of 2002 --2011 when the victims were attempting to prosecute Windy Boy. Foley left Baucus's office in 2005. This should be scrutinized.
Going forward, there should be no place for Baucus and Messina in the state party or any part of the Democratic party, and if this happens, do it at your own risk. Any component of any political party will feel the wrath of public scorn and risk the loss of all credibility by associating with these men. Where is the moral conscience of party leaders? For our part, I am a Chippewa descendant of the original Rocky Boy Band of Chippewa Indians. Our people approached Baucus in 2000 to address the historic wrongs of the mismanagement of the Rocky Boy tribal roll.
You see, the federal government is not allowed to enforce enrollment laws upon a tribe; this is expressly forbidden by time honored U.S. Supreme Court precedent (Worchester v. Georgia). In spite of this bedrock of law, the Dept. of Interior enforced an illegal roll in Rocky Boy and renamed the tribe "the Chippewa Cree Tribe of the Rocky Boy Indian Reservation." This was an act of genocide by the government.
Crees are not a US treaty tribe, therefore should not be treated as a federally recognized tribe. Baucus knows this, he is afterall an attorney. Still yet, under his and Sen. Tester's watch; the Cree led govenment, led by Windy Boy, his brother Alvin, Jake Parker, Chance Houle, etc. etc. have mismanaged millions in Pembina Chippewa money, they have denied rightful Chippewa enrollment that is not their decision to make; and they have mismanaged Pembina litigation.
Out of sheer frustration, in May of this past year, we asked Rep. Daines to open a Congressional level criminal investigation. We are contending the Democratic party in the state are afoul of the federal Voting Rights Act by enabling Cree to practice discrimination upon the reservation. The Chip Cree Business Committee is predominant Cree run, it would not even meet the requirement that 50% of a tribal body be of a historic American tribe; a requirement imposed upon the Little Shell Chippewa tribe for instance. The Little Shell ARE descendants of a historic American tribe.
The Chippewa Cree business committee is organized under the Interior Dept., an agency subject to the federal Act. I would go so far as to say the Democrats maintain the Cree on the roll just to keep illegal tribal members voting for them, as I have said, Baucus has been the main benefactor of this arrangement.
Something is very wrong in Montana. We have to face up to the wrongs here, and have the attention of the federal officials to correct the wrongs. As it is, the Democrats have mismanaged these issues led down a rabbit hole by Windy Boy; and are now paying a heavy price.
The Chippewa people are intent on reclaiming tribal sovereignty long denied this underclass. When we attempted to participate in the party we were greeted with a Dixiecrat mentality and a state party that adheres to Jim Crowe. We are going backward.
Now there is John Lewis, who is expecting to benefit from his years as a Baucus staffer. He had to know of the entire situation with Windy Boy. He is definitely aware of the situation in Rocky Boy, the lies, deceit, broken laws and mind-boggling theft and fraud of Chippewa resources. He has to know, there is no way he cannot know. I am sorry, I cannot vote for people who have too much to hide.

Those of us who have dealt with Baucus in Montana are fairly familiar with his tactics, mainly on how skillfully and lacking in moral turpitude, he used the Native American voters to maintain an iron grip on the state Democratic party political machine for the base numbers and 2) used his Wall Street ties to fund his Senate campaigns. Baucus was Citizens United before there was a law for what he did.
Baucus is also very skilled at his official political narrative using his buddies in the state media to kill dissent. Even when that dissent was needed, and we all know dissent is healthy and essential to a healthy democracy. Buddies such as the Great Falls Tribune editors, publishers, men like Jim Strauss, and former city editor Tom Kotinski, aided and abetted this man's abuse of public office.
I point to current Tribune political reporter John Adams as aiding and abetting the cover up of the Jonathan Windy Boy scandal. This scandal makes the John Walsh plagiarism scandal look like a Boy Scout badge dispute in its irrelevance to the broader scandal that ensnares Baucus, Messina, possibly our current governor, and some Chippewa Cree tribal law enforcement. Adams has known about the accusations surrounding Windy Boy for years, but has hidden rather conveniently behind the fear of a libel lawsuit to protect Montana's political elite. This is not a journalist, and to deny all Montanans of the facts, knowing this man is a danger to children and women, is inexcusable.
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Democrat State Sen. Jonathan Windy Boy Speaking at the State Capitol, 12/12 |
Lets say that Jonathan Windy Boy showing his cock and balls to 15 year old girls over Yahoo chat does not help anyone's political careers. This is the truth; and it is indisputable. There are pictures of this. Pictures that "powers that be in DC"as the victims describe them as shadowy and unknowable--do not want to be disbursed in instantaneous world of the "youtubes" and "internets." And, there is more. A lot more.
I would charge here that John Walsh is the sacrificial goat in this phony plagiarism scandal; an attempt to cut the gangrene to save a damaged stump that requires an amputation. The diseased part of the party are Senators Baucus, his former Chief of Staff Jim Foley, and possibly Jim Messina, known as the "fixer" in the White House.
An investigation is needed. I am told by victims there were two federal level investigations that were shut down when prosecution of Windy Boy seemed likely. Added to his tax evasion problems that the Obama administration has done nothing about; it seems like the preoccupation of the party elite with Windy Boy has been a gigantic distraction and a continual headache for very key people. Windy Boy must be taken into custody, and the 2011 investigation reopened. I am calling for an expansion of the UM probe to cover the period of 2002 --2011 when the victims were attempting to prosecute Windy Boy. Foley left Baucus's office in 2005. This should be scrutinized.
Going forward, there should be no place for Baucus and Messina in the state party or any part of the Democratic party, and if this happens, do it at your own risk. Any component of any political party will feel the wrath of public scorn and risk the loss of all credibility by associating with these men. Where is the moral conscience of party leaders? For our part, I am a Chippewa descendant of the original Rocky Boy Band of Chippewa Indians. Our people approached Baucus in 2000 to address the historic wrongs of the mismanagement of the Rocky Boy tribal roll.
You see, the federal government is not allowed to enforce enrollment laws upon a tribe; this is expressly forbidden by time honored U.S. Supreme Court precedent (Worchester v. Georgia). In spite of this bedrock of law, the Dept. of Interior enforced an illegal roll in Rocky Boy and renamed the tribe "the Chippewa Cree Tribe of the Rocky Boy Indian Reservation." This was an act of genocide by the government.
Crees are not a US treaty tribe, therefore should not be treated as a federally recognized tribe. Baucus knows this, he is afterall an attorney. Still yet, under his and Sen. Tester's watch; the Cree led govenment, led by Windy Boy, his brother Alvin, Jake Parker, Chance Houle, etc. etc. have mismanaged millions in Pembina Chippewa money, they have denied rightful Chippewa enrollment that is not their decision to make; and they have mismanaged Pembina litigation.
Out of sheer frustration, in May of this past year, we asked Rep. Daines to open a Congressional level criminal investigation. We are contending the Democratic party in the state are afoul of the federal Voting Rights Act by enabling Cree to practice discrimination upon the reservation. The Chip Cree Business Committee is predominant Cree run, it would not even meet the requirement that 50% of a tribal body be of a historic American tribe; a requirement imposed upon the Little Shell Chippewa tribe for instance. The Little Shell ARE descendants of a historic American tribe.
The Chippewa Cree business committee is organized under the Interior Dept., an agency subject to the federal Act. I would go so far as to say the Democrats maintain the Cree on the roll just to keep illegal tribal members voting for them, as I have said, Baucus has been the main benefactor of this arrangement.
Something is very wrong in Montana. We have to face up to the wrongs here, and have the attention of the federal officials to correct the wrongs. As it is, the Democrats have mismanaged these issues led down a rabbit hole by Windy Boy; and are now paying a heavy price.
The Chippewa people are intent on reclaiming tribal sovereignty long denied this underclass. When we attempted to participate in the party we were greeted with a Dixiecrat mentality and a state party that adheres to Jim Crowe. We are going backward.
Now there is John Lewis, who is expecting to benefit from his years as a Baucus staffer. He had to know of the entire situation with Windy Boy. He is definitely aware of the situation in Rocky Boy, the lies, deceit, broken laws and mind-boggling theft and fraud of Chippewa resources. He has to know, there is no way he cannot know. I am sorry, I cannot vote for people who have too much to hide.
Wednesday, May 7, 2014
Little Shell Dilemma Is the Tip of the Iceberg
There has been much political effort to address the issues of the long sought federal recognition of the Little Shell Tribe of Chippewa Indians. Posted on the Little Shell website was Rep. Daines estimation, that while the bill has cleared the U.S. Senate, Daines states the bill has a realistic chance for passage in the U.S. House. It will also be to Daine's own party whether the U.S. House passes the bill, and pushes Daines over the top in Montana, or whether the game of hot potato endures yet another election season.
To be sure, my run for the U.S. House awakened a sleeping giant that in reality dwarfs the political hunger games that is Little Shell recognition. At 4,500 members, the Little Shell story of the abuse, denial and neglect of the Chippewa peoples is just one story. After my historic run in the U.S. House Democratic primary; the issue of unenrolled and disenrolled peoples of Chippewa descent began as a small spark within the Blackfeet tribe as the BEAR referendum effort to address the failure of the tribe's blood quantum law.
On closer look; the Chippewa movement that has had a Little Shell face is now an exploding issue on Montana's political landscape. It will shape the face of the United States Senate in 2014. I support Little Shell recognition, to be sure, as I support the restoration of the full treaty rights of the BEAR descendants who are struggling to retain a sense of tribal identity in the future, and I support the reform of the Rocky Boy roll which I descend from.
Smart politics for Obama would be to direct the Interior Agency to begin reform and restoration of all Chippewa descendants, here in Montana--a battleground state, that number tops 30,000 people, and may spiral up to 40,000. Obama must seize the moment, and address the fate of the Pembina Chippewa descendants in the state:
1. The illegally disenrolled Chippewa off the Rocky Boy 1908 Roll must be restored to self government, and there must be an admission by Interior that the Chippewa Cree Tribe is not a historic American tribe but was a created tribe pursuant to the 1935 IRA, and has no Chippewa guidance in the affairs of the tribe, that has led to gross mismanagement of the Pembina judgment funds.
2. The 5,000-30,000 or so Blackfeet/Chippewa descendants who spurred the BEAR movement that in turn has all but shutdown the effective functioning of the Blackfeet nation.
3. Federal recognition of the offshoot of the Rocky Boy--the Ahontoays Band, which I am the president of, and comprises the descendants of Robert Gopher only.
4. The Little Shell recognition.
An Executive Order should be authored to enforce the federal recognition of the Chippewa people who are the descendants of Chippewa treaty tribes. Obama;'s former deputy chief of staff and Montanan, Jim Messina scored a great deal of political successes for his boss and for former Sen. Baucus, using the wooden Indian Jonathan Windy Boy. Windy Boy is a Cree descendant from Canada, a descendant of the Little Bear Band of Cree. If the Democratic powers that be insist on this incorrect course of action, and continue toward their self destructive path as they have and which will be revealed here in tomorrow's post--we as Chippewa descendants believe the Democrats can restore an honor Chippewa sovereignty as it is required to by the treaties that are the law of the land.
The last time I checked, Jonathan Windy Boy was not a U.S. treaty descendant, yet despite tribal mismanagement, theft of Pembina judgment funds, alleged sexual assaults, and tax evasion, his Democrat stalwarts have stood by him. We intend to change this, and hear us loud and clear Democrats: We have passed on Walsh, at this late hour, it is time for the DNC to take a realistic look at Adams because we will not tolerate the Baucus buddy network--it has only served to heighten Windy Boy's embarrassment to the party. And if this cannot be done, we are comfortable with Daines. More on that tomorrow..............
To be sure, my run for the U.S. House awakened a sleeping giant that in reality dwarfs the political hunger games that is Little Shell recognition. At 4,500 members, the Little Shell story of the abuse, denial and neglect of the Chippewa peoples is just one story. After my historic run in the U.S. House Democratic primary; the issue of unenrolled and disenrolled peoples of Chippewa descent began as a small spark within the Blackfeet tribe as the BEAR referendum effort to address the failure of the tribe's blood quantum law.
On closer look; the Chippewa movement that has had a Little Shell face is now an exploding issue on Montana's political landscape. It will shape the face of the United States Senate in 2014. I support Little Shell recognition, to be sure, as I support the restoration of the full treaty rights of the BEAR descendants who are struggling to retain a sense of tribal identity in the future, and I support the reform of the Rocky Boy roll which I descend from.
Smart politics for Obama would be to direct the Interior Agency to begin reform and restoration of all Chippewa descendants, here in Montana--a battleground state, that number tops 30,000 people, and may spiral up to 40,000. Obama must seize the moment, and address the fate of the Pembina Chippewa descendants in the state:
1. The illegally disenrolled Chippewa off the Rocky Boy 1908 Roll must be restored to self government, and there must be an admission by Interior that the Chippewa Cree Tribe is not a historic American tribe but was a created tribe pursuant to the 1935 IRA, and has no Chippewa guidance in the affairs of the tribe, that has led to gross mismanagement of the Pembina judgment funds.
2. The 5,000-30,000 or so Blackfeet/Chippewa descendants who spurred the BEAR movement that in turn has all but shutdown the effective functioning of the Blackfeet nation.
3. Federal recognition of the offshoot of the Rocky Boy--the Ahontoays Band, which I am the president of, and comprises the descendants of Robert Gopher only.
4. The Little Shell recognition.
An Executive Order should be authored to enforce the federal recognition of the Chippewa people who are the descendants of Chippewa treaty tribes. Obama;'s former deputy chief of staff and Montanan, Jim Messina scored a great deal of political successes for his boss and for former Sen. Baucus, using the wooden Indian Jonathan Windy Boy. Windy Boy is a Cree descendant from Canada, a descendant of the Little Bear Band of Cree. If the Democratic powers that be insist on this incorrect course of action, and continue toward their self destructive path as they have and which will be revealed here in tomorrow's post--we as Chippewa descendants believe the Democrats can restore an honor Chippewa sovereignty as it is required to by the treaties that are the law of the land.
The last time I checked, Jonathan Windy Boy was not a U.S. treaty descendant, yet despite tribal mismanagement, theft of Pembina judgment funds, alleged sexual assaults, and tax evasion, his Democrat stalwarts have stood by him. We intend to change this, and hear us loud and clear Democrats: We have passed on Walsh, at this late hour, it is time for the DNC to take a realistic look at Adams because we will not tolerate the Baucus buddy network--it has only served to heighten Windy Boy's embarrassment to the party. And if this cannot be done, we are comfortable with Daines. More on that tomorrow..............
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